About Me


Welcome To Amethyst's World

Welcome, dear hearts!  You've stumbled across my online home.  Thanks so much for visiting.  If you're new here, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Quick Facts About Me

  • I’m 24 years old
  • In my day job I am a graphic designer and editor at a small marketing agency
  • I am incredibly shy in real life
  • Yes, my name is really Amethyst
  • Yes, my hair is really dyed purple (my natural color is more of an auburn)
  • Purple is my favorite color (it was my mom’s too, hence my name)
  •  I’m recovering from a traumatic life experience related to stalking and an abusive relationship (which in some ways has led to my extreme shyness and caution)
  • I use my day job skills (graphics and Photoshop) as well as AI technology to enhance my actual photographs